Friday, January 13, 2012

LLOYD KAUFMAN is coming to the Alamo!

Prepare ye: The infamous Lloyd Kaufman will grace the Alamo with his Tromatic presence next week at locations in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio!

Kaufman co-founded Troma Entertainment in 1974 and has inspired legions of admirers all over the world to get out there and make their own damn movies.  His lowbrow and low-budget mantra inspired and aided the early works of Trey Parker of South Park fame, and James Gunn who went on to make the DAWN OF THE DEAD remake. And lest we forget where Toxie would be if not for the hard work of Mr. Kaufman.  Few have done more to champion independent cinema as much as Kaufman, and for this we are excited to welcome him to our theaters once again to host the Texas theatrical debuts of the latest Troma films! 

Don't miss this opportunity to see the genius of schlock in person, as well as a chance to watch the latest bloody offerings from deep within Tromaville city limits. There will be plenty of sweet Troma gear for sale and Lloyd will also happily sign any of your existing Troma paraphernalia.  I, for one, need to find a copy of CRANK 2: HIGH VOLTAGE to get him to sign because of his amazing cameo!!

Lloyd is one of the funniest and interesting people out there and the chance to see him introduce these films and to participate in Q&As is a special thing.  Take note, Texas:

January 18th Austin – Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek
Lloyd Kaufman LIVE presenting a double feature of FATHER'S DAY and MR. BRICKS
Two bloody, badass movies on one rad ticket!  Click HERE for more info and TICKETS! 

January 19th San Antonio- Alamo Drafthouse Westlakes
Lloyd Kaufman LIVE presenting a special screening of FATHER'S DAY!  
Don't miss all the hustlers, priests, premarital sex and paternal murder on the big screen!! Click HERE for more info and TICKETS!

January 21st Houston-  Alamo Drafthouse Mason Park 
Lloyd Kaufman LIVE presenting a double feature of FATHER'S DAY and MR. BRICKS
In addition to being on hand for the Texas premiere of "Toxic Avenger: The Musical" across town, Lloyd will be hanging out at the Alamo for an intimate double feature that is not to be missed!  Click HERE for more info and TICKETS! 


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