Monday, January 2, 2012

Celis Gran Cru and a Monetcristo

The best beer indeed is Belgian, with the Celis Gran Cru being no exception. Formerly from Celis in Austin, TX, the new owners have done its reputation well. 

Appearance: Hazy, light pale golden in color, with a large, dense white head, which retains superbly. The carbonation is slight and slow-rising; the lacing arrays itself on the glass walls in a superb Belgian pattern.

Aroma: Opens with a strong note of of spicy alcohol, coriander and orange peel. There is also an understated note of earthy hops.

Taste: Opens with coriander and orange peel, and sweet alcohol as well. There is a solid pale malt presence throughout the taste, and a mildly sweet undercurrent of candy sugar and some clove as well. Finishes with a lingering, mild earthy hop flavor, and a brief burst of sweet alcohol.

Mouth feel: Smooth, soft, and velvety, quite pleasant.

Drinkability/notes: Quite wonderful, very drinkable and pleasant. Would be excellent for a holiday dinner.

Presentation: Packaged in a twelve-ounce brown glass long neck bottle with a pop-off crown, served in a standard Pilsener glass.

Even on a nearly chilly Texas winter afternoon, the Gran Cru goes well with a medium-bodied Montecristo. 

Appearance : ★★★★½
Sleek-looking cigar; looks great with the white band. Montecristos are ALL about look, and this one was no exception.

Montecristo White Rothchilde

Construction : ★★★★★
Superb ash, nice and white. VERY even burn. All around, it's one of the best-constructed cigars I've ever had.
Flavor : ★★★★½
It smells a bit like cedar, but when I inhaled it, my nostrils stung a bit. This cigar has a bit of a kick at first, but when it's lit, it's mild enough for smokers of any level. It has a toasty flavor and would make a wonderful breakfast cigar, paired up with a strong cup of coffee.

Value : ★★★½☆
For $10, you can get yourself a nice cigar. If you want a Connecticut-wrapped cigar with a bit of a punch, this could be it. At $10, I wouldn't — probably ever — make this my regular smoke. But it may be a good thing to have around for small celebrations, bar mitzvahs, Web 2.0 site launch parties, etc.

Overall Rating : ★★★★½
Great cigar from a great brand.

What a wonderful combination for a lazy afternoon out on the patio, listening to nature, watching the occasional bird of prey float by on the breeze. 

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