Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Must Demand Satisfaction

I love it! Ladd Everitt is such a bottomfeeder that he has no sense of honor. He is no gentleman. 

Some most excellent gentlemen have directed me to a scoundrelish attack to my honor. Political opposition can never absolve gentlemen from the necessity of a rigid adherence to the laws of honor and the rules of decorum. The common sense of mankind affixes to the epithet adopted by the good Mr. Everitt, the very idea of dishonor. As a proper gentleman, I must demand satisfaction to this offense against my honor and reputation. If the gentlemen Mr. Everitt does not see to my satisfaction, I trust that a representative will be nominated in order to choose a proper field of honor. While the challenged party has the prerogative of choosing the weapon, I might suggest:

I am aware of the deadliness of such a dangerous weapon, but as a matter of honor, I think it suitable. As the offended party, in the interest of civility, and out of humane sense, the duel will be to the "first sauce," as I believe this will be adequate for the purposes of my satisfaction. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, and await your prompt reply.


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