Thursday, January 12, 2012

Burglars Steal Porn and Sex Toys, Leave Cash Untouched

Pornographic toys, magazines and videos were stolen from a Linda sex shop, but the store's owner is surprised by what wasn't taken.

Kevin Couch owns Fantasy Factory across the street from a strip club, and Monday night someone broke into his adult store. But the culprits never touched the cash register.

"They just took the toys and left," he said. "They didn't take the money or anything so I was lost. The sheriff's department was lost. When he saw all the stuff in here and he goes 'that's all they took?' and I was like 'yeah.'"

So Kevin thinks it was kids just trying to make a little mischief in forbidden territory.

"They see the adult store here, they can't come in here they can't purchase this stuff so they are bored and they break in and come in and take it at night when no one is here," he said.

So far, there are no suspects, just a suspected age range: boys probably about 13 to 17 years old.

"If I was to do it I'd probably go for cash, not adult toys," Linda resident Rodney Foster said. "I don't really understand why somebody would take that, that's kind of gross and weird."

The thieves busted in by using a chunk of asphalt to crash through the door. It will cost Kevin about $800 to fix the door and he's out about $150 worth of merchandise.

It's the second time his store has been broken into in a year.

Source: CBS Sacramento. Video at link.

*Note.. that is not a picture of the store front, it's just funny.

If this isn't a sign of the times, I don't know what is...

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