The Doctor loves to hear people say it, so why not say it with a bumper sticker? Oh my, It's Bigger on the Inside!
Bumper sticker is white and blue, with black and white text. Monitors may display colors differently, and we try to show the most accurate colors. The second picture is the actual original artwork that the bumper sticker is made of, so you see the most accurate color and size.
Bumper sticker is made with 4mil waterproof vinyl that's a pressure-sensitive permanent adhesive, and a UV resistant overlay. It's been printed on a high-end color laser printer, with UV resistant inks, and guaranteed to last for years, or as old as The Doctor is.
Bumper sticker is 3" x 9".
Original design is ©Nani?Wear 2012.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Gundam Style
Watching some anime with my kids, I guess I'd missed the voluntaryist themes underlying the Gundam series. The state works toward a peaceful society, but through force and oppression of resistance, with the Celestial Beings fighting back against the oppressive state in order to bring about a peaceful society free of the inherent violence of the state. I've thought for years that the best way to change the world is through children, and if propaganda can be used against the state to deliver a message of peace and hope to the youth through a medium to which they relate, then maybe a peaceful future can come to fruition.
Gundam 00
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
Why had I not watched this before? What a wonderful holiday film.
Happy Birthday Philip K Dick
Happy birthday to me (oh, and Philip K Dick too). Today seems like as good an excuse as any to pick up one of his short stories, one of the films based on his work, or one of the documentaries about his life and work like A Day in the Afterlife.
Prophets of Science Fiction, Philip K Dick:
"The Penultimate Truth about Philip K. Dick"
another link:
In 2007 I produced this documentary about the mystical experiences of sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick.
Philip K. Dick is considered by many to be one the world's greatest science fiction writers ever; as a sufferer from mental illness himself he had the ability to turn his hallucinations about the universe into an extraordinary writing career.
During his lifetime, Dick produced an astonishing amount of prize winning novels and short stories, which were translated into more than 25 languages. Three of his literary works were transformed into blockbuster movies: Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
Several years before his death, Philip started having mystical experiences that affected his everyday life. As a result, he started to wonder if what he had imagined for his stories was real and if life was just an illusion or the creation of each person's subjectivity.
This in-depth program explores Philip K. Dick`s world, a universe full of mysteries and intrigues.
Mike Hodel In Conversation With Philip K. Dick, Which Aired On The Science Fiction Themed Radio Show Hour 25. Recorded In 1977, Just Before The Release Of A Scanner Darkly. For More Infomation Plz Check Out
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Behold — The Perfect Doctor Who Cupcakes
The Regali Kitchen in Quezon City, Philippines, specializes in fondant creations — and now they've made what could be the greatest Doctor Who cupcakes I've ever seen. Feast your eyes on these! If you can't make it out to the Philippines to eat some, at least you can admire them from afar. And use them as inspiration in your own kitchen.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Physician Unknown
The guys over at Steal This Art have an action packed planned. Each day this week they will be dropping a new piece for our viewing pleasure. Checks these out and pick one up when the day is right.
Monday (Pictured Above)
“The Physician Unknown”
by: Jerry Bennett
11″ x 17″
Giclee on Matte Velvet Art Paper
Limited to 100 prints.
More: A Weeks Work Of Art At Steal This Art
I missed this on a t-shirt recently on eBay recently, but I'm happy enough to add the digital image to my collection...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
LUNOPOLIS - 2011 Theatrical Trailer - YouTube
For a low-budget college film, I am actually rather surprised at how well this film turned out. I always knew there were men on the moon.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
deGrasse Tyson on Collapsitarians
Monday, November 12, 2012
Walls of Zombies
The behind the scenes turmoil has made World War Z pretty well known. Massive reshoots, and Forster being a problem on set. Well, the trailer has finally arrived, and even if there’s a bunch of problems, the trailer is pretty fucking impressive. This film looks to be a true EPIC zombie film.It's hard to believe this comes from the mind of the son of Mel Brooks.
I wasn’t really following this before, but I definitely will be now. Walls of zombies. That’s what more movies need.
World War Z Trailer Is Here |
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Go home, Skeleton. You're drunk.
Go home, Skeleton. You're drunk. - Imgur
Skeleton can't hold his liquor. Maybe it's the lack of internal organs?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Marching Band/Video Game Halftime Mash-up
There are definitely some video game fans on The Ohio State University marching band, if their halftime show is any indication. The expertly choreographed presentation included tributes to Halo, Space Invaders, Zelda, Tetris and Pokemon. The band played the video game hits while marching in formation as Mario blocks, Poke-balls and more.
Ohio State's Halftime Video Game Tribute - IGN
I'm not a sports fan (nor hardly much of a gamer), but this is a great way to mash-up the two.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Cosmopolis (2012)
Promising to scorch Cannes Festival 2012, Robert Pattinson is starring Cosmopolis, the currently most talked about movie to watch for - with big signs of being the new "Drive".
PLOT: Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's day devolves into an odyssey with a cast of characters that start to tear his world apart.
Starring: Robert Pattinson,Sarah Gadon, Jay Baruchel, Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, Mathieu Amalric, Paul Giamatti
Director: David Cronenberg
Cosmopolis (2012) - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Stoker (2013)
Stoker Official Trailer 1 [HD]: Nicole Kidman & Park Chan-Wook - YouTube
Looks like the director of Oldboy is back, with an English-language thriller. And it looks like a fun ride.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
4:44 Last Day on Earth (2012)
11.11.11 wasn't enough..."4:44" trailer brings us a look at what would happen if everyone knew the world was ending.
4:44 Last Day on Earth (2012) - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Iron Sky (2012)
Towards the end of World War II the Nazi scientists made a significant breakthrough in anti-gravity. From a secret base built in the Antarctic, the first Nazi spaceships were launched in late '45 to found the military base Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) on the dark side of the Moon. This base was to build a powerful invasion fleet and return to take over the Earth once the time was right.
Now it's 2018, and it's the time for the first American Moon landing since the 70′s. Meanwhile the Nazi invasion, that has been over 70 years in the making, is on its way, and the world is goose-stepping towards its doom. The three main characters of the story are Renate Richter (Julia Dietze), Klaus Adler (Götz Otto), and James Washington (Christopher Kirby).
Trailer - Iron Sky Official Trailer #2 - Nazi's on the Moon Movie (2012) HD - YouTube
Actually, this looks like a fun movie, but it will probably have a statist theme to it.
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer #1 (2012) - Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Wachowski Movie HD - YouTube
This one looks quite interesting...
7500 Official Trailer #1 - Horror Movie (2012) - YouTube
7500 Official Trailer #1 - Horror Movie (2012) - YouTube
Seems like there may be something on the wing...
Exit Humanity (2012)
Uber cool second "Exit Humanity" trailer, which brings us "The Walking Dead" in the American Civil War version. Amazing trailer!
"One of the more memorable, sweeping zombie films seen in years" (killerfilm)
"This is not a movie, but a piece of cinema"
Told through the written and illustrated journal of Edward Young as he battles his way through an unexplainable outbreak of the walking dead a decade after the American Civil War. After returning home from a hunting trip to find a horrific re-animation of his wife Julia, and that their son Adam has disappeared, Edward starts to record his experiences with the walking dead as well as the unexplainable outbreak that has torn his family apart, and threatens all of mankind. Throughout his harrowing journey Edward finds friendship, guidance and love amongst chaos and despair, when all else seems to be lost in a world robbed of its humanity.
Produced by: Foresight Features (the makers of "Monster Brawl"!)
Directed by: John Geddes
Starring: Mark Gibson, Jordan Hayes, Adam Seybold, Dee Wallace, Bill Moseley, Stephan McHattie, Brian Cox
If Orphan taught us anything, it’s that tiny-statured people are terrifying. Furthering that theory is this creepy trailer for the very similar looking MAMA. Produced by Guillermo del Toro and directed by Andres Muschietti based on his own 2008 short, the film tells the story of two feral children adopted after fending for themselves alone in the woods for five years.
Of course shit gets ghostly, but there’s an interesting tidbit regarding Jessica Chastain’s character I came across that hints there’s something more disturbing going on beyond your run-of-the-mill ghost story. It’s not mentioned in the trailer and I certainly don’t want to spoil it, but potential leads me to hope this is one of the good ones:
MAMA Trailer Promises Feral Children & Goth Chastain |
Sinister Trailer
I can’t recall the last time I was legitimately terrified in a movie theatre. Sure, I’ve been shaken up by the occasional jump scare. But the sense that I’m looking at some seriously messed up shit that will have me thinking twice about that bump in the night? Not since I first saw The Exorcist upon its ’98 rerelease.
So it’s with great joy that I reveal the following: this trailer is pretty goddamn scary. Horror’s effect is subjective of course, but I’d like to suggest doing as I did. Turn the lights down, crank the volume, and let this short glimpse of Sinister work its indelibly creepy magic.
This Red-Band Trailer For SINISTER is Scary |
From the looks of the trailer, I won't be arguing that it doesn't look scary initially.This looks like a good one for the Drafthouse.
Friday, September 21, 2012
International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum Subforum
International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum
Subforum: Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War
Page 263
At 14:52:28, FreedomFighter69 wrote:
Reporting my first temporal excursion since joining IATT: have just returned from 1936 Berlin, having taken the place of one of Leni Riefenstahl’s cameramen and assassinated Adolf Hitler during the opening of the Olympic Games. Let a free world rejoice!
At 14:57:44, SilverFox316 wrote:
Back from 1936 Berlin; incapacitated FreedomFighter69 before he could pull his little stunt. Freedomfighter69, as you are a new member, please read IATT Bulletin 1147 regarding the killing of Hitler before your next excursion. Failure to do so may result in your expulsion per Bylaw 223.
At 18:06:59, BigChill wrote:
Take it easy on the kid, SilverFox316; everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. I did. It always gets fixed within a few minutes, what’s the harm?
At 18:33:10, SilverFox316 wrote:
Easy for you to say, BigChill, since to my recollection you’ve never volunteered to go back and fix it. You think I’ve got nothing better to do?
At 10:15:44, JudgeDoom wrote:
Good news! I just left a French battlefield in October 1916, where I shot dead a young Bavarian Army messenger named Adolf Hitler! Not bad for my first time, no? Sic semper tyrannis!
At 10:22:53, SilverFox316 wrote:
Back from 1916 France I come, having at the last possible second prevented Hitler’s early demise at the hands of JudgeDoom and, incredibly, restrained myself from shooting JudgeDoom and sparing us all years of correcting his misguided antics. READ BULLETIN 1147, PEOPLE!
At 15:41:18, BarracksRoomLawyer wrote:
Point of order: issues related to Hitler’s service in the Bavarian Army ought to go in the World War I forum.
At 02:21:30, SneakyPete wrote:
Vienna, 1907: after numerous attempts, have infiltrated the Academy of Fine Arts and facilitated Adolf Hitler’s admission to that institution. Goodbye, Hitler the dictator; hello, Hitler the modestly successful landscape artist! Brought back a few of his paintings as well, any buyers?
At 02:29:17, SilverFox316 wrote:
All right; that’s it. Having just returned from 1907 Vienna where I secured the expulsion of Hitler from the Academy by means of an elaborate prank involving the Prefect, a goat, and a substantial quantity of olive oil, I now turn my attention to our newer brethren, who, despite rules to the contrary, seem to have no intention of reading Bulletin 1147 (nor its Addendum, Alternate Means of Subverting the Hitlerian Destiny, and here I’m looking at you, SneakyPete). Permit me to sum it up and save you the trouble: no Hitler means no Third Reich, no World War II, no rocketry programs, no electronics, no computers, no time travel. Get the picture?
More: Wikihistory by Desmond Warzel |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Doctor's Wife Earns a Hugo
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Blade Runner-inspired short by Ridley Scott's son
As a collaboration with the designers of RED cameras, Luke Scott (the son of Blade Runner director Ridley Scott) has directed the 20-minute science fiction film Loom. This short, which stars Giovanni Ribisi as a laboratory grunt in a dystopian future, aims for atmospherics and openly acknowledges a stylistic debt to Blade Runner. Hat tip to Alexander! More »
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Curse You, Buckaroo
In order to understand this film you have to know a little bit about the Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds. You could say that Orson Welles pioneered shock radio when he performed this story live on the radio in the form of a special news bulletin, informing audiences that aliens had landed in Grovers Mills, New Jersey. At the time this show aired, audiences in New Jersey actually believed the story, sending mass hysteria throughout the state. It wasn't until the end of the program that he admitted the whole thing was a hoax.
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Quote of the Day
Dr. Helen asked, What are your favorite science-fiction books? Best response so far:
I like the New York Times, the Washington Post, Huffington, and the LA Times.CNN is also pretty good as is the BBC.All present a very bizarre picture of an alternate reality, like a parallel universe or a different dimension loosely based on the real world.I don't like MSNBC because it has no connexion whatsoever to reality, it's pure fanatasy.
Original Page:
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Flash Fiction - The Agency
If you view three dimensional space from a perpendicular angle, space appears two dimensional. When applied to the fourth dimension, it is perceived as time across the spatial dimensions. When you learn to navigate all four dimensions, one is a god.
We always will be here.
I exist, from the start to the finish, and back again. If God created Man in His image, do we posses the capacity to be gods? We can create new worlds and creatures to populate them by the twenty-fourth century, so we possess more than simply destructive capabilities, though some gods operate as such. Many think them beyond their peers, deserving of so much more, they use their power out of aggression, to suppress their peers, to rise above all, boot firmly on the neck of those lesser beings.
I am not one of those, simply a humble individual blessed with enlightenment. To rise beyond limitations through light removes that yearn for domination through force. We see the light in all, even when they do not see it in themselves. Everyone simply needs positive encouragement. That is what those of us in the Agency believe, and our duty is not to intervene, but to guide and encourage, as a parent to a child. Out motives are to guarantee a future in which both of us exist. We have seen a future in which the second falls with the first, so we are vested in survival.
By the twenty-seventh century, this fourth dimension was unlocked, and with it came the faults of Man. "We can be gods," many believed. And some tried. The destabilization which resulted was the foundation for the efforts of the Agency; we would protect time and space. But time is like water; it is always patient, it always finds a way.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Awake - Another Great Sci-Fi Show...

After a car accident takes the life of a family member, a police detective lives two alternating parallel lives, one with his wife and one with his son. Is one of his "realities" merely a dream?

"Awake" is an intriguing drama about a detective (Jason Isaacs, "Harry Potter," "Brotherhood") who finds he is leading an arduous double life that defies reality.
Following a tragic car accident, detective Michael Britten finds himself awake in two separate realities: one where his teen son, Rex (Dylan Minnette, "Saving Grace"), died in the crash and his wife, Hannah (Laura Allen, "Terriers"), survived and another where Hannah has perished, leaving Michael and Rex to pick up the pieces. In order to keep both of his loved ones alive, Michael begins living in two dueling realities, churning up confusion. In one reality, Michael and his wife debate having another child, while in the other, his son Rex is turning to his tennis coach, Tara (Michaela McManus, "The Vampire Diaries"), to fill the void from the loss of his mother.
Trying to regain some normalcy, Michael returns to solving crimes in both worlds with the help of two different partners, Detective Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris, "The Practice") and Detective Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama, "That '70s Show"). Michael is assigned a different case in each reality and quickly discovers that his dual existence is actually a powerful tool. He begins to solve impossible cases by using his two realties to gain unique perspectives and link clues that cross over from world to world.
Helping Michael to navigate his two realities are his bureau-assigned therapists Dr. Evans (Emmy Award-winner Cherry Jones, "24") and Dr. Lee (BD Wong, NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"). While both therapists work to untangle his two worlds, Michael has no interest in proving either one is false. But when memories of the accident begin to haunt him, he is forced to confront the truth about what really happened the night of the crash.
Jason Isaacs, Laura Allen, Steve Harris, Dylan Minnette, BD Wong, Michaela McManus, with Wilmer Valderrama and Cherry Jones
Friday, May 18, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
TARDIS Doctor Who Bumper Sticker Bigger on the Inside
Is it bigger on the inside? – Doctor Who Lunch Box
Hmmmm, I wonder if it's just like the tardis…or a bag of holding… bigger on the inside?
Sent from my frakkin toaster
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Parkour of the Living Dead
Parkour Zombies - YouTube: Nebraska Parkour gets turned into bloodthirsty undead...
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
1950s greaser Batman needs to be a reality
Just for kicks, comic artist Denis Medri posted his designs for a Fifties rockabilly take on the Dark Knight. Behold Bruce Wayne as a pomade-sporting auto mechanic, a secret crime-fighter who wages the good war on billiard hall brutes, reefer-crazed maniacs, drag-race swindlers, and the insidious hypnotic power of Fats Domino's back catalog. Batman's always being reinvented as a cowboy or a Crusader — let's see him crack some skulls at the sock hop for once.
More »
Monday, April 23, 2012
Doctor Who Fortune Cookie
"Try to channel excess energies into rejuvenation"
I wonder if I'm going to regenerate into the second me? I guess I'd have to have a mortal injury first, so maybe it's not quite worth it...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
'Prometheus' Ad Shows Us the Robot We All Want
Fox is kicking the viral campaign for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus up a notch with a brand new video, and Mashable has the exclusive.
The studio has crafted an awesome — and creepy — advertisement for “David,” the latest generation android from the fictitious Weyland Corporation. The ad introduces us to David, played by Michael Fassbender, who serves as the butler and maintenance man on the ship at the center of the film.
Prometheus, which hits theaters on June 8, 2012, is said to have elements or “DNA” from Scott’s earlier film Alien. The film follows the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as they explore an advanced alien civilization while searching for the origins of humanity.
To promote the film, Fox has worked hard to develop an intricate viral marketing campaign. In February, attendees at TED got to view a TEDTalk from the future, by way of a video set in 2023. That talk was given by Guy Pearce, who plays the CEO of the Weyland Corporation in the film.
SEE ALSO: Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” Teased in TEDTalk From the Future Last month, the first full-length trailer for Prometheus was shown during WonderCon and the live event was streamed through Facebook, Twitter and AMC Theater’s website. The trailer racked up more than 3 million views in its first few days in release.
Fox is also putting a full-page advertisement for David in The Wall Street Journal. The studio also maintains the ProjectPrometheus website, which features insights into the fictitious Weyland Corporation and its own alternate-reality game.
Fox has also teamed up with Verizon FiOS to offer an interactive tour of the Prometheus ship. Fans can view the ship at
The film’s social presence includes a Facebook page, as well as official Twitter and YouTube accounts.
What do you think of the advertisement for “David?” Let us know in the comments.
'Prometheus' Ad Shows Us the Robot We All Want [EXCLUSIVE]
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
First footage from Rian Johnson's time-traveling hitman movie Looper
Check out the very first footage from Rian Johnson's (Brick) brand new time traveling mob movie, Looper. Yes, this is a teaser trailer. Yes, we agree this new trend of trailers for trailers is insidious. But there is some added value to this clip. Both Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rian Johnson sit down to give a little color and make the requisite "isn't Bruce Willis handsome" jokes. Plus, we get to see JGL all done up in his Bruce Willis prosthetics (which is very cool). The real trailer will be out in three days, and you can bet we'll be all over it. Looper hits theaters September 28. More »
Martin Scorsese On Why Vampires are Better Than Zombies
For me, zombies are more of a social extension (a majority) of the sort of people I see around me everyday. Like the intro to Shawn of the Dead, most live mindless existences, doing little and learning even less.With The Twilight Saga dominating at the box office and The Walking Dead leading TV ratings, we can argue 'til the cows come home about the relative merits and failings of each type of paranormal creature. But for one iconic filmmaker, at least, there's no question. "I happen to like vampires more than zombies," Martin Scorsese revealed in a recent interview. Hit the jump for his musings on what makes bloodsuckers superior to brain-eaters.
Twilight, it's teen romance, some folks say there are vampires involved, but I've yet to find the strength to sit that far into one of the Twilight movies.GQ caught up with the director at a recent event in New York, where the conversation somehow veered away from Raging Bull 2 and toward undead monsters. "The vampire thing always works for some reason. Always works," he said when the subject of Twilight came up. "I happen to like vampires more than zombies." Asked why, Scorsese continued, "Well, a vampire, quite honestly, you could have a conversation with. He has a sexuality."
Zombies, on the other hand, don't interest the filmmaker as much: "I mean the undead thing… Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them." But Scorsese does understand the appeal, apparently, and isn't above enjoying a well crafted zombie tale himself:
It's a whole other thing that apparently means a great deal to our culture and our society. There are many, many books written about it and many movies. I saw one in London when I was doing Hugo. I saw one late at night one weekend. It was called Colin, by a young filmmaker [Marc Price]. He shot it, I think, digitally by himself, edited it himself. It was savage. It had an energy that took the zombie idea to another level. Really interesting filmmaking. Disturbing.
So there you have it: One of the greatest artists living today has weighed in on the vampires vs. zombies debate, and he's come out on the side of Team Twilight. That definitely settles the argument once and for all, right?
Oh, and if you're wondering about the movie Scorsese mentions above, here's the trailer:
Original Page:
2012 Hugo Nominees Announced
The finalists for the 2012 Hugo Awards have been announced. Among them are Slice of SciFi favorites George R.R. Martin and Doctor Who. Here's a complete list of the nominees. [...]
Original Page:
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Avengers' Acura MDX Gets 234 MPG
According to the accurate-looking window sticker, this 2012 Acura MDX with special tactical packages for S.H.I.E.L.D. gets an impressive 234 MPG city/304 MPG highway mileage, though this is running on Palladium. It's a fuel which, apparently, costs a daunting $448/oz. But that's actually cheap. Because the car itself costs just under $6 million. More »
Original Page:
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Star Wars vs Alice in Wonderland
I know a few geeks that would enjoy this one...
These past few weeks Threadless has done an amazing job releasing pop culture inspired designs, and its latest might just be my favorite of the bunch! “Imitated Caterpillar” depicts a scene from Disney’s animated classic Alice in Wonderland, but with a twist! AiW’s Caterpillar has been replaced with another popular slug like creature, Star Wars’ Jabba the Hutt. The minute I saw this Star Wars x Alice in Wonderland mash-up I knew I had to have it, and that’s the second Threadless t-shirt that’s happened with in the past few weeks. The artist did a great job seamlessly blending these two iconic characters into a design where both look natural in this strange pairing.
The Star Wars x Alice in Wonderland mash-up t-shirt “Imitated Caterpillar” comes printed on a leaf green t-shirt and is currently available for purchase at for $20. The shirt comes in both guys and girls styles, sizes S-2XL.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Batman: You Son of a Bitch – The Musical
After you're done with this one, be sure to follow the link underneath the video for Conan the Barbarian: The Musical!
Original Page:
PIA15256: A Royal Celebration
This enormous section of the Milky Way galaxy is a mosaic of images from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. The constellations Cassiopeia and Cepheus are featured in this 1,000-square degree expanse. These constellations, named after an ancient Queen and King of Ethiopia in Greek mythology, are visible in the northern sky every night of the year as seen from most of the United States. To the unaided human eye, Cassiopeia is easily recognizable by the five bright stars that make up its "W" shape. However, WISE observed infrared light, where the sky takes on a very different appearance. The bright stars of the constellations fade into obscurity amongst the backdrop of millions of other stars revealed by WISE. Cool clouds of dust that fill the space between the stars in the Milky Way glow in infrared light and tell us more about the story of how stars are born, and how they die. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA. Tap © to visit the web site.
Find more pictures and learn more about the Universe in Star Walk app for iPhone and in Star Walk app for iPad
Monday, March 12, 2012
Legal Experts Destroy Rationale for Obama’s Assassination Policy … And Slam Democrats for Supporting It
The mere realization that we are having this discussion reminds me that the anti-war candidate Obama and the pro-war president Obama share little more than the ability to speak with eloquence.Attorney General Eric Holder announced at Northwestern University law school that the U.S. can assassinate U.S. citizens without any without disclosure of why they are even alleged to be baddies and without any review of any nature whatsoever by any judge, Congress or the American people.
Northwestern University's law school professor Joseph Margulies said:
I defy anyone to read [Holder's] speech and show any differences between Obama and Bush on these issues, They both say we are in a war not confined to particular battlefield. … Both say we can target citizens without judicial oversight and that can happen anywhere in the world.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.Columbia law school professor Scott Horton notes that this assassination strategy was created by Dick Cheney, and is being carried out by the Obama administration:
A lot of this seems to have been put in place under the tutelage of Dick Cheney. So here we see one of Dick Cheney's ideas being ratified by Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder.
Who would have seen a president with more experience as a lawyer being complicit in this sort of undermining of liberty? Me, I did. A Chicago lawyer would only be marginally better than a Federal Reserve chairman in the oval office...(Obama is also implementing Cheney and the boys' plans for war in the Middle East and North Africa.)
Top constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley slams the Democratic Party for its complicity:
The choice of a law school was a curious place for discussion of authoritarian powers. Obama has replaced the constitutional protections afforded to citizens with a "trust me" pledge that Holder repeated.
Hipocrits in government? Say it ain't so!Senior administration officials have asserted that the president may kill an American anywhere and anytime, including in the United States. Holder's speech does not materially limit that claimed authority. He merely assures citizens that Obama will only kill those of us he finds abroad and a significant threat. Notably, Holder added, "Our legal authority is not limited to the battlefields in Afghanistan."
The Obama administration continues to stonewall efforts to get it to acknowledge the existence of a memo authorizing the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki. Democrats previously demanded the "torture memos" of the Bush administration that revealed both poor legal analysis by Judge Jay Bybee and Professor John Yoo to justify torture. Now, however, Democrats are largely silent in the face of a president claiming the right to unilaterally kill citizens.
So, does that mean that our Constitutional rights to due process will be observed when Americans become the focus of the Obama death squads? Does our future have a place for Judge Dredd?Holder became particularly cryptic in his assurance of caution in the use of this power, insisting that they will kill citizens only with "the consent of the nation involved or after a determination that the nation is unable or unwilling to deal effectively with a threat to the United States." What on earth does that mean?
New Prometheus teaser trailer shows off Ridley Scott's strange space toys
Take a quick look at the brand new Prometheus trailer, and help us figure out what these strange laser balls are that that one character's holding. On Saturday March 17 at 4 PM PST, Ridley Scott will premiere the first full trailer for Prometheus with the movie's screenwriter Damon Lidelof at WonderCon. After the premiere, the two will host a Q&A which will be available to the rest of the world (more details on that to come). But until then, what are these wonderful new space toys? More »
Original Page:
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ridley Scott's amazing Prometheus short film reveals the Weyland Corp's shining future
Ridley Scott just dropped an insane bit of viral marketing at this years TED Conference: an unhinged Prometheus inspired short film, in which Guy Pearce makes his first ever appearance as Peter Weyland, head of the Weyland corporation.
Yes, the very same evil megacorp that tried to kill Ripley and her feral adoptive child in Aliens (technically it had merged with Yutani and was officially Weyland-Yutani, but more on that later). Watch the birth of one of entertainment's most feared evil corporations.
We kind of love Pearce's vision for Weyland. A slightly raspy, unhinged gentleman who boasts of cybernetic individuals (like BISHOP) and bellows "We are the Gods now!"
In a recent interview Scott revealed that Pearce's character is truly the only real connective tissue between Prometheus and Alien.
"When the first Alien movie and Blade Runner were made, I thought that in the near future the world will be owned by large companies. This is why we have the Tyrell Corporation in Blade Runner, and Weyland-Yutani in Alien. They sent the Nostromo spaceship.
The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, who is played by Guy Pearce. That's the connection between the two films, and nothing more. Prometheus is a new film, a new world, and is full of new ideas. And of course new monsters as well."
But we'll believe that when we see it. So where does Lance Henriksen fit into all of this? If Alien Vs. Predator is to be believed, he is Charles Bishop Weyland. So perhaps he's Peter's Grandfather? Then again, we highly doubt Scott is taking any notes from what happened in AVP.
[via TED2023]
Ridley Scott's amazing Prometheus short film reveals the Weyland Corp's shining future