Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Philip K Dick

Happy birthday to me (oh, and Philip K Dick too). Today seems like as good an excuse as any to pick up one of his short stories, one of the films based on his work, or one of the documentaries about his life and work like A Day in the Afterlife.

Prophets of Science Fiction, Philip K Dick: [D]

"The Penultimate Truth about Philip K. Dick"
another link:

In 2007 I produced this documentary about the mystical experiences of sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick.

Philip K. Dick is considered by many to be one the world's greatest science fiction writers ever; as a sufferer from mental illness himself he had the ability to turn his hallucinations about the universe into an extraordinary writing career.
During his lifetime, Dick produced an astonishing amount of prize winning novels and short stories, which were translated into more than 25 languages. Three of his literary works were transformed into blockbuster movies: Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
Several years before his death, Philip started having mystical experiences that affected his everyday life. As a result, he started to wonder if what he had imagined for his stories was real and if life was just an illusion or the creation of each person's subjectivity.
This in-depth program explores Philip K. Dick`s world, a universe full of mysteries and intrigues.

Mike Hodel In Conversation With Philip K. Dick, Which Aired On The Science Fiction Themed Radio Show Hour 25. Recorded In 1977, Just Before The Release Of A Scanner Darkly. For More Infomation Plz Check Out

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