Monday, July 16, 2012

Flash Fiction - The Agency

We have always been here.

If you view three dimensional space from a perpendicular angle, space  appears two dimensional. When applied to the fourth dimension, it is perceived as time across the spatial dimensions. When you learn to navigate all four dimensions, one is a god.

We always will be here.

I exist, from the start to the finish, and back again. If God created Man in His image, do we posses the capacity to be gods? We can create new worlds and creatures to populate them by the twenty-fourth century, so we possess more than simply destructive capabilities, though some gods operate as such. Many think them beyond their peers, deserving of so much more, they use their power out of aggression, to suppress their peers, to rise above all, boot firmly on the neck of those lesser beings.

I am not one of those, simply a humble individual blessed with enlightenment. To rise beyond limitations through light removes that yearn for domination through force. We see the light in all, even when they do not see it in themselves. Everyone simply needs positive encouragement. That is what those of us in the Agency believe, and our duty is not to intervene, but to guide and encourage, as a parent to a child. Out motives are to guarantee a future in which both of us exist. We have seen a future in which the second falls with the first, so we are vested in survival.

By the twenty-seventh century, this fourth dimension was unlocked, and with it came the faults of Man. "We can be gods," many believed. And some tried. The destabilization which resulted was the foundation for the efforts of the Agency; we would protect time and space. But time is like water; it is always patient, it always finds a way.


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