Monday, April 9, 2012

Martin Scorsese On Why Vampires are Better Than Zombies

With The Twilight Saga dominating at the box office and The Walking Dead leading TV ratings, we can argue 'til the cows come home about the relative merits and failings of each type of paranormal creature. But for one iconic filmmaker, at least, there's no question. "I happen to like vampires more than zombies," Martin Scorsese revealed in a recent interview. Hit the jump for his musings on what makes bloodsuckers superior to brain-eaters.

For me, zombies are more of a social extension (a majority) of the sort of people I see around me everyday. Like the intro to Shawn of the Dead, most live mindless existences, doing little and learning even less. 

GQ caught up with the director at a recent event in New York, where the conversation somehow veered away from Raging Bull 2 and toward undead monsters. "The vampire thing always works for some reason. Always works," he said when the subject of Twilight came up. "I happen to like vampires more than zombies." Asked why, Scorsese continued, "Well, a vampire, quite honestly, you could have a conversation with. He has a sexuality."

Zombies, on the other hand, don't interest the filmmaker as much: "I mean the undead thing… Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them." But Scorsese does understand the appeal, apparently, and isn't above enjoying a well crafted zombie tale himself:

It's a whole other thing that apparently means a great deal to our culture and our society. There are many, many books written about it and many movies. I saw one in London when I was doing Hugo. I saw one late at night one weekend. It was called Colin, by a young filmmaker [Marc Price]. He shot it, I think, digitally by himself, edited it himself. It was savage. It had an energy that took the zombie idea to another level. Really interesting filmmaking. Disturbing.

So there you have it: One of the greatest artists living today has weighed in on the vampires vs. zombies debate, and he's come out on the side of Team Twilight. That definitely settles the argument once and for all, right?

Twilight, it's teen romance, some folks say there are vampires involved, but I've yet to find the strength to sit that far into one of the Twilight movies. 

Oh, and if you're wondering about the movie Scorsese mentions above, here's the trailer:

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