Sunday, May 18, 2014

Richard Kadrey ¤ Aloha From Hell

There is so much modern fiction trying to be an instant classic, Richard Kadrey nails supernatural horror right out of the gates (of Hell). He has an ability to maintain a high level of energy and momentum through the Sandman Slim series. Here, in his third in the series, Aloha from Hell, he shows the same energy and timing that makes the series so addicting:

"She gets up. I grab her arm. She twists and tries to sucker punch me. Puts her whole body into it. I don’t try to stop her. I’m faster than any civilian, so she’s moving in exquisite slo-mo. When she’s a few inches from making contact, I lean back slightly and let her fist sail past. Grab the wrist and twist so her arm bends out like a chicken wing and every muscle and tendon in her shoulder feels like it’s going to snap. Carolyn goes down face-first onto the sofa and rolls herself into a little ball, squeezing her aching shoulder. I wait. Eventually, she sits up. There’s a half-finished cigarette in an ashtray on the arm of the sofa. She takes it, puts it between her lips, and starts looking around for matches. I’m still holding the lighter. I hold the flame out to her. She leans forward. I pull the lighter back and she follows a few inches. When she realizes I’m fucking with her, she stops and gives me a dirty look."

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