Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Princess of Mars...

I opened my eyes upon a strange and weird landscape. I knew that I was on Mars; not once did I question either my sanity or my wakefulness. I was not asleep, no need for pinching here; my inner consciousness told me as plainly that I was upon Mars as your conscious mind tells you that you are upon Earth. You do not question the fact; neither did I.
I found myself lying prone upon a bed of yellowish, mosslike vegetation which stretched around me in all directions for interminable miles. I seemed to be lying in a deep, circular basin, along the outer verge of which I could distinguish the irregularities of low hills.

...from Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic series.

I have found that my desire to read to my children and my desire to read for myself has culminated in reading them a chapter each at their respective bedtimes from a book of my choosing. I have started working on Burroughs' first in the Barsoom series, hoping to instill in them a fusion of their existing adventurist spirits with the amazement of science fiction. With the voluminous size of this collection, I'll have many years of nightly reading before we explore Asimov's Foundation (and the submissions of later authors to the seminal classic in the genre).

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