Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Startled Deer Becomes New Republican Frontrunner

CONCORD, NH (The Borowitz Report) – The race for the Republican presidential nomination took an unexpected turn today as a new poll showed that a startled deer was the new GOP frontrunner.

Bucky, the red deer who is the first choice of likely Republican voters is believed to be the first woodland creature ever to lead a major party's presidential field.

"Voters like what they see in Bucky," said veteran political strategist Ed Rollins, who has signed on to helm the red deer's primary campaign.  "The fact that he is unable to speak is a major asset."

In his first appearance in Concord, New Hampshire, however, the antlered candidate garnered mixed reviews for what some observers said was an unsteady performance.

Appearing frightened by the TV lights, Bucky kicked over the podium and then pranced down the hall before being subdued by a tranquilizer dart.

"Clearly he's a little rough around the edges," said Mr. Rollins.  "But he still did better than Herman Cain."

It was another rough day for Mr. Cain, who offered this response to a reporter's question: "For the last time, I did not touch her down there.  Oh wait, did you say 'Libya?'"

Gov. Rick Perry also stumbled badly in a campaign appearance in Iowa, telling supporters, "If I am elected, I will find out where Iran's nuclear weapons are.  Also, where Iran is."

Meanwhile, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted that his recent rise in the polls is not a fluke: "The American people want an adult, and no one has a stronger record of adultery than I do."

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