At the end of John Joseph Adams' dystopian collection Brave New Worlds ( the editor assembles a wonderful collection of both dystopian and utopian literature, both classic and contemporary. While I have only read a handful of these works, and some are still on the shelf waiting for my time and attention, it provides a great list in these genres.
Notable Dystopias:
Amis, Martin
Einstein's Monsters
Anderson, M. T.
Armstrong, Jon
Grey (et. seq. )
Asimov, Isaac
Pebble in the Sky
Atwood, Margaret
The Handmaid's Tale *
Oryx and Crake
the Year of the Flood
Auster, Paul
In the Country of Last things
Bacigalupi, Paolo
The Windup Girl *
Ship Breaker
Ballard, J. G.
Hello America
Barry, Max
Jennifer Government
Bates, Paul L.
Beaton, Alistair
A Planet for the President
Beckett, Bernard
Böll, Heinrich
My Melancholy Face
Boston, Bruce
The Guardener's Tale
Boyd, John
The Last Starship from Earth
Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451 *
Brain, Marshall
Brooke, Keith
Brunner, John
The Jagged Orbit
The Sheep Look Up *
The Shockwave Rider
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Vril: the Power of the Coming Race
Burgess, Anthony
A Clockwork Orange
The Wanting Seed
Burroughs, William S.
Blade Runner, a Movie (see also Nourse, Alan E. )
Butler, Octavia
Parable of the Sower *
Carbonneau, Louis
Barrier World
Cobb, William
A Spring of Souls
Cohen, Stuart Archer
The Army of the Republic
Collins, Suzanne
The Hunger Games (et. seq. )
Cowdrey, Albert E.
Crace, Jim
The Pesthouse
DeVita, James
The Silenced
DiChario, Nick
Valley of Day-Glo
Dick, Philip K.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
The Man in the High Castle *
Disch, Thomas
The Genocides
Doctrow, Cory
Little Brother
Farmer, Philip José
Riders of the Purple Wage
Ferrigno, Robert
Prayers for the Assassin (et. seq. )
Fischer, Tibor
The Collector Collector
Fukui, Isamu
Gibson, William
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Neuromancer *
Gray, Alasdair
Lanark: A Life in Four Books *
Grimes, Tom
City of God
Hairston, Andrea
Hall, Sarah
Daughters of the North
Harkaway, Nick
The Gone-Away World
Harris, Robert
Harrison, Harry
Make Room! Make Room! *
Herbert, Frank
Hellstrom's Hive
Hubbard, L. Ron
Final Blackout
Huxley, Aldous
Ape and Essence
Brave New World *
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Never Let Me Go
Johnston, Paul
The House of Dust
Keogh, Andrew
Keppel-Jones, Arthur M.
When Smuts Goes
Kerr, Philip
The Second Angel
King, Stephen (writing as Richard Bachman)
The Long Walk
The Running Man
Kuttner, Henry
The Iron Standard
Lamar, Jake
The Last Integrationist
Le Guin, Ursula K.
The Lathe of Heaven
Lem, Stansiław
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
Lerner, Lisa
Just Like Beauty
Levin, Ira
This Perfect Day
Lewis, Sinclair
It Can't Happen Here *
London, Jack
The Iron Heel *
Lowry, Lois
The Giver
Lundwall, Sam J.
2018 A. D. or the King Kong Blues
Mark, Jan
Useful Idiots
McCarthy, Cormac
The Road *
McCarthy, Wil
McIntosh, Will
Soft Apocalypse
McMullen, Sean
Eyes of the Calculor
Mellick III, Carlton
The Egg Man
War Slut
Miéville, China
Perdido Street Station
Mitchell, David
Cloud Atlas ("Sonmis Oratio")
Moore, Alan
V for Vendetta
Morgan, Richard
Market Forces
Thirteen (AKA Black Man)
Morrison, Toni
Nabokov, Vladimir
Invitation to a Beheading
Neiderman, Andrew
The Baby Squad
Nolan, William F. and George Clayton Johnson
Logan's Run
Norden, Eric
The Ultimate Solution
Nourse, Alan E.
The Blade Runner (See also Burroughs, William S. )
O'Brien, Michael D.
Eclipse of the Sun
Oppegaard, David
The Suicide Collectors
Orwell, George
Nineteen Eighty-Four *
Philbrick, Rodman
The Last Book in the Universe
Pohl, Frederick and C. M. Kornbluth
The Space Merchants
Pollack, Rachel
Unquenchable Fire
Powers, Tim
Dinner at Deviant's Palace
Rand, Ayn
Reed, Kit
Robinson, Kim Stanley
The Gold Coast: Three Californias (Wild Shore Triptych) *
Rucker, Rudy
Russ, Joanna
And Chaos Died
Scalzi, John with Elizabeth Bear, Tobias Buckell, Jay Lake, and Karl Schroeder
Sharpe, Matthew
Shirley, John
Black Glass
Silva, Ulises
Silverberg, Robert
The World Inside
Singer, Lee
Slattery, Brian Francis
Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of The United States of America *
Smith, Cordwainer
The Rediscovery of Man
Smith, L. Neil
The Probability Broach
Spinrad, Norman
The Iron Dream
The Fifth Sacred Thing
Stephenson, Neal
Snow Crash
Stevens-Arce, James
Stewart, George R.
Earth Abides
Takami, Koushun
Battle Royale
Tevis, Walter
Theroux, Marcel
Far North
Tomson, Rupert
Divided Kingdom
Turner, George
The Sea and Summer
Turtledove, Harry
The Gladiator
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
Player Piano *
Walton, Jo
Waugh, Evelyn
Love Among the Ruins
Wells, H. G.
The Time Machine
When the Sleeper Wakes
Westerfield, Scott
Uglies (et. seq. )
Weyn, Suzanne
The Bar Code Tattoo (et. seq. )
Williams, David J.
The Mirrored Heavens
Wilson, Robert Anton
The Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy
Wilson, Robert Charles
Womack, Jack
Random Acts of Senseless Violence
Wright, Ronald
A Scientific Romance
Zamyatin, Yevgeny
We *
Notable Utopias:
Banks, Iain M.
Consider Phlebas (Culture series) (et. seq. )
Bellamy, Edward
Looking Backward *
Borghese, Elizabeth Mann
My Own Utopia
Callenbach, Ernest
Ecotopia Charnas
Suzy McKee
Walk to the End of the World
Delany, Samuel R.
Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia *
Gentle, Mary
Golden Witchbreed
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Heinlein, Robert A.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Huxley, Aldous
Island *
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Always Coming Home
Lessing, Doris
The Marriages Between Zones three, Four and Five
More, Thomas
Utopia *
Morris, William
News from Nowhere *
Piercy, Marge
Woman on the Edge of Time
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Pacific Edge: Three Californias (Wild Shore Triptych) *
Russ, Joanna
The Female Man *
Skinner, B. F.
Walden Two