Recently, I began thinking of an analogy for the Doctor. It came about from watching the Pandorica Opens episode again. I saw all of the villains that the Doctor has fought come together to protect the universe from the Doctor.
The Doctor is an adventurist. He travels the universe and time as a tourist, sometimes mucking about and making a mess, even hurting others. He has even been accused of murder. The Doctor, I thought. A killer? A danger to society?
I am reminded of America's adventures throughout the world, bring democracy to countries, whether they want it or not. They force their ideals upon others, often at great cost of life and liberty.
Will there ever come a day when all of the nations of the world come together to do something to truly protect the world?
If we can see that the Master is not necessarily the villain he is made out to be, could the Doctor be worse than he imagines himself?